Outdoor Parking Lot Service Details
On Sunday, September 6 you're invited to join us as we gather together in the parking lot of West Morris Church to worship together! We can't wait for this special gathering and look forward to seeing everyone. However, we encourage you to make the best decision for you and your loved ones as you consider whether to attend online or in-person. We will ALSO be on Facebook Live on Sunday at 10:30 in the West Morris FMC group, just as we have been since March. In addition, the service will be posted to our toll-free call-in number and YouTube afterwards.
As you prepare for Sunday, please read through these important details.
Please stay home unless you can answer NO to all of the following questions:
1. Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 14 days?
Shortness of breath
2. Have you had at least two of these in the last 14 days?
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
3. Have you been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days who has tested positive for or has symptoms of COVID 19?
4. Have you traveled outside the US in the last 14 days?
Personal & Public Safety
If you choose to attend the service in-person, please plan on following the guidelines which have been established by the West Morris Board.
Masks will be required at all times to be worn by all people 3+ years of age outside of vehicles.
The church building will be closed. There will be NO Sunday School, Children's Church, or nursery services.
If restrooms are needed, Door 1 (the back office door) will be opened for one person at a time.
Please refrain from hugging, shaking hands, and any other physical contact.
Please maintain at least 6' of distance between yourself and every other person.
Arrival Details
Tremont Street will be blocked off/closed from West Morris to the Peace Park. Please enter the church parking lot off Pershing Street.
Upon arriving in the parking lot, a greeter will welcome you and will sign in all the individuals in your vehicle.
A greeter will also give you lyric sheets, communion elements, children's activity packets (if applicable), and masks (if needed).
Once you're checked in, a parking attendant will help direct you where to park.
Once parked, you can choose to remain in your vehicle, or set up chairs to sit in right next to your car. Please note: everyone needs to provide their own chairs, and if you choose to leave your vehicle, you will need to wear a mask.
Worship Service
The "stage" will be set up under the canopy.
The worship service can be heard on your FM car radio at 88.5. (Note: you will only pick up the signal in the immediate vicinity of the church. You cannot tune into 88.5 FM from your home, unless you live right next to the church!)
The worship service will also be broadcast over the speakers in the parking lot.
Departure Details
Before leaving, be sure to check out the boxes of library books that will be near the canopy. You are welcome to take however many books you would like.
At the close of the service, Tremont Street will be reopened. You may depart on either Pershing or Tremont. Please watch for anyone still walking the parking lot!
Ushers will be collecting your tithes and offering as you exit. They will also have garbage bags to collect any garbage.
As you leave the service, plan on spending 10 minutes completing a "prayer drive" along the many side streets of West Indy. Alternatively, park in one place in our neighborhood and spend 10 minutes there, asking God to give you "soft eyes" to see what He sees.
Thank you for worshiping with us! We pray you were blessed. If you happen to develop COVID symptoms and test positive after attending our outdoor parking lot service, please IMMEDIATELY contact me so that we can communicate clearly with everyone who was in attendance.
God bless and we look forward to seeing you online or in person this Sunday!