Young Adults (20s & 30s)
West Morris Young Adults are a diverse group of individuals - including undergrad and grad students, parents, and full-time and part-time employees. Connect with others and enjoy time together at these regular activities. Have an idea for a future get-together? Please share it!
Join our 20s & 30s group on the Remind App to stay connected to all updates! Join here: https://www.remind.com/join/wm20s
Weekend of May 21 & 22

Mark your calendars for a great weekend at West Morris Church on May 21 & 22.
On Saturday, May 21, come enjoy the "Our God Reigns" free concert with Surrender, the worship group of Comunidad Cristiana.
On Sunday, May 22, you won't want to miss the "Celebrating Voices" spoken word event with local artist and community builder, Man'on Voice. Come for conversation, engagement, and international food in the New Day Cafe!
Both events are free, but be sure to reserve your ticket to "Celebrating Voices" so we can plan accordingly for food!